In the Oneness of Time
The Education of a Diviner By William Douglas Horden

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About this book:
In the Oneness of Time
The Education of a Diviner
by William Douglas Horden
This inspiring true story draws the imagination into its own magical source — where things become possible, and possibilities become things. It grips the reader like a Carlos Castaneda Don Juan tale—for real . . .
Subjects: Spirituality, Autobiography, Memoir, Tao Te Ching, I Ching / I Ching Studies
From the author of the award-winning Toltec I Ching
6 x 9, paperback
8 b/w illustrations, 253 pages
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13: 978-1-936012-76-3
Book Details
"It is rare to see such a lucid and appreciative summary of a life so well lived, and readers will be inspired not only by the tales Horden tells, but by his example of learning with an open mind and heart." —Publishers Weekly
“This warm-hearted, inspiring memoir/teaching by a modern Taoist I Ching master / Toltec shaman conveys the ecstasy and intricacies of crossing the unknown and exploring the other. . . . Horden’s provocative story unfolds in non-sequential time chapters with commentaries, allowing the reader to register the moving account in one’s own consciousness, much like the experience of consulting the I Ching. A heartfelt sharing of ancient wisdom and insight.” —Stan Madson, co-founder, Bodhi Tree Bookstore
In the Oneness of Time is an inspiring true story that draws the imagination into its own magical source — where things become possible, and possibilities become things. It grips thereader like a Carlos Castaneda Don Juan tale — for real. Horden shows how he discovered the divinatory mode of intuitive perception — and relates in an engaging manner how a series of highly skilled teachers, life events, and “in-between-world” experiences trained him to develop it and use it wisely.
William Douglas Horden is a superbly gifted diviner and storyteller who works with the I Ching and pre-Hispanic MesoAmerican sacred tools. He studied intensively with I Ching Master Khigh Alx Dhiegh and with Tarahumara shamans in Mexico’s Copper Canyon. He is the author of numerous books and articles on divination and spirituality, co-author of The Toltec I Ching, a blogger for The Huffington Post and other online publications, and has been a guest on a variety of radio programs. He lives by turns in upstate New York and in Mexico, and spends much of his time traveling.
“This intimate account of one man’s extraordinary journey to become a diviner kept me turning the pages, excited to see what new gem would be revealed of the magic within and without. William’s open-hearted communion brings us back to the invisible thread of mystery that connects us all. Highly recommended." —HeatherAsh Amara, author, Warrior Goddess Training
“This warm-hearted, inspiring memoir/teaching by a modern Taoist I Ching master / Toltec shaman conveys the ecstasy and intricacies of crossing the unknown and exploring the other. . . . Horden’s provocative story unfolds in non-sequential time chapters with commentaries, allowing the reader to register the moving account in one’s own consciousness, much like the experience of consulting the I Ching. A heartfelt sharing of ancient wisdom and insight.” —Stan Madson, co-founder, Bodhi Tree Bookstore
“William Douglas Horden has crafted a beautiful evocation of 'wild seeing.' His stories of initiation into the non-visible realm convey the ancient wisdom of the indigenous soul. "Weaving through time and space, Horden invites us into the 'world between worlds.' Here, among shamans and master diviners, we encounter the sacred psyche—and are reminded once again of the creative power of the imagination and the profound connectedness of all living things.” —Barbara Platek, MA, LMHC Jungian psychotherapist
Diviner Horden (The Toltec I Ching) meanders with intent through vignettes of essential moments of learning from a cast of teachers. His graceful storytelling demonstrates his perception that "the entire world is filled with the song of souls moving between lives." Though a few anecdotes concern his formal instruction in the sudden enlightenment school with Master Khigh Alx Dhiegh, he learns from shamans and brujos, cowboys, children, and even sea lions and parrots as he travels from Ohio to Mexico and Australia.
These lessons take place in cliffs and ruins, a rain forest and a monastery, a youth shelter and a musician's parlor. The simple dialogue of the encounters feels both mundane and mythic, and Horden also gives his impressions of the "In-Between" world of spirit. Horden's chapters are emotionally complete even when the back story is not fully explained; an extended set of endnotes offers additional information about how he met the people involved, their cultural backgrounds, and occasional supplementary thoughts on the lessons.
It is rare to see such a lucid and appreciative summary of a life so well lived, and readers will be inspired not only by the tales Horden tells, but by his example of learning with an open mind and heart. —Publishers Weekly
Click here to listen to author William Horden reading excerpts from six chapters of In the Oneness of Time in a YouTube video.
Click here to see a 1 minute 35 second trailer for In the Oneness of Time.
Click here to see The Toltec I Ching: 64 Keys to Inspired Action in the New World by William Douglas Horden and Martha Ramirez-Oropeza.
William Douglas Horden is the author of more than a dozen books relating to divination and spirituality. He continues the tradition of passing along the teachings he received from an I Ching master and a Tarahumara shaman. The Toltec I Ching, co-authored by the muralist Martha Ramirez-Oropeza, combines the the two wisdom traditions of ancient China and pre-Columbian Mexico in an exciting new rendition of the Taoist oracle. A series of "Researches on the Toltec I Ching" flesh out its symbolic and philosophical system and include the breakthrough study of I Ching Mathematics. The author's spiritual biography, In the Oneness of Time: The Education of a Diviner, recounts the teachers and teachings that shaped his experience of the World Soul as the living intelligence informing and guiding all things from within. Its companion volume, Way of the Diviner, was released a year later, in the Fall of 2016. The Five Emanations and The Spiritual Basis of Good Fortune are two small volumes that detail practices the author received from his experience with dying. Taken together, the two books offer a course in mental and soulic training as part of the path of sudden enlightenment.
Book Details
"It is rare to see such a lucid and appreciative summary of a life so well lived, and readers will be inspired not only by the tales Horden tells, but by his example of learning with an open mind and heart." —Publishers Weekly
“This warm-hearted, inspiring memoir/teaching by a modern Taoist I Ching master / Toltec shaman conveys the ecstasy and intricacies of crossing the unknown and exploring the other. . . . Horden’s provocative story unfolds in non-sequential time chapters with commentaries, allowing the reader to register the moving account in one’s own consciousness, much like the experience of consulting the I Ching. A heartfelt sharing of ancient wisdom and insight.” —Stan Madson, co-founder, Bodhi Tree Bookstore
In the Oneness of Time is an inspiring true story that draws the imagination into its own magical source — where things become possible, and possibilities become things. It grips thereader like a Carlos Castaneda Don Juan tale — for real. Horden shows how he discovered the divinatory mode of intuitive perception — and relates in an engaging manner how a series of highly skilled teachers, life events, and “in-between-world” experiences trained him to develop it and use it wisely.
William Douglas Horden is a superbly gifted diviner and storyteller who works with the I Ching and pre-Hispanic MesoAmerican sacred tools. He studied intensively with I Ching Master Khigh Alx Dhiegh and with Tarahumara shamans in Mexico’s Copper Canyon. He is the author of numerous books and articles on divination and spirituality, co-author of The Toltec I Ching, a blogger for The Huffington Post and other online publications, and has been a guest on a variety of radio programs. He lives by turns in upstate New York and in Mexico, and spends much of his time traveling.
“This intimate account of one man’s extraordinary journey to become a diviner kept me turning the pages, excited to see what new gem would be revealed of the magic within and without. William’s open-hearted communion brings us back to the invisible thread of mystery that connects us all. Highly recommended." —HeatherAsh Amara, author, Warrior Goddess Training
“This warm-hearted, inspiring memoir/teaching by a modern Taoist I Ching master / Toltec shaman conveys the ecstasy and intricacies of crossing the unknown and exploring the other. . . . Horden’s provocative story unfolds in non-sequential time chapters with commentaries, allowing the reader to register the moving account in one’s own consciousness, much like the experience of consulting the I Ching. A heartfelt sharing of ancient wisdom and insight.” —Stan Madson, co-founder, Bodhi Tree Bookstore
“William Douglas Horden has crafted a beautiful evocation of 'wild seeing.' His stories of initiation into the non-visible realm convey the ancient wisdom of the indigenous soul. "Weaving through time and space, Horden invites us into the 'world between worlds.' Here, among shamans and master diviners, we encounter the sacred psyche—and are reminded once again of the creative power of the imagination and the profound connectedness of all living things.” —Barbara Platek, MA, LMHC Jungian psychotherapist
Diviner Horden (The Toltec I Ching) meanders with intent through vignettes of essential moments of learning from a cast of teachers. His graceful storytelling demonstrates his perception that "the entire world is filled with the song of souls moving between lives." Though a few anecdotes concern his formal instruction in the sudden enlightenment school with Master Khigh Alx Dhiegh, he learns from shamans and brujos, cowboys, children, and even sea lions and parrots as he travels from Ohio to Mexico and Australia.
These lessons take place in cliffs and ruins, a rain forest and a monastery, a youth shelter and a musician's parlor. The simple dialogue of the encounters feels both mundane and mythic, and Horden also gives his impressions of the "In-Between" world of spirit. Horden's chapters are emotionally complete even when the back story is not fully explained; an extended set of endnotes offers additional information about how he met the people involved, their cultural backgrounds, and occasional supplementary thoughts on the lessons.
It is rare to see such a lucid and appreciative summary of a life so well lived, and readers will be inspired not only by the tales Horden tells, but by his example of learning with an open mind and heart. —Publishers Weekly
Click here to listen to author William Horden reading excerpts from six chapters of In the Oneness of Time in a YouTube video.
Click here to see a 1 minute 35 second trailer for In the Oneness of Time.
Click here to see The Toltec I Ching: 64 Keys to Inspired Action in the New World by William Douglas Horden and Martha Ramirez-Oropeza.
About William Douglas Horden

William Douglas Horden is the author of more than a dozen books relating to divination and spirituality. He continues the tradition of passing along the teachings he received from an I Ching master and a Tarahumara shaman. The Toltec I Ching, co-authored by the muralist Martha Ramirez-Oropeza, combines the the two wisdom traditions of ancient China and pre-Columbian Mexico in an exciting new rendition of the Taoist oracle. A series of "Researches on the Toltec I Ching" flesh out its symbolic and philosophical system and include the breakthrough study of I Ching Mathematics. The author's spiritual biography, In the Oneness of Time: The Education of a Diviner, recounts the teachers and teachings that shaped his experience of the World Soul as the living intelligence informing and guiding all things from within. Its companion volume, Way of the Diviner, was released a year later, in the Fall of 2016. The Five Emanations and The Spiritual Basis of Good Fortune are two small volumes that detail practices the author received from his experience with dying. Taken together, the two books offer a course in mental and soulic training as part of the path of sudden enlightenment.