Loving Grief (autographed)
By Paul Bennett

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About this book:
Loving Grief (autographed)
by Paul Bennett
When grief is the form your love takes, where do you turn? Do you escape, or enter, the loneliness, the emptiness, the pain? How much, how slowly, how fast? It’s a blessing when someone can help you feel your own way through what only your heart can.
Subjects: Death, Grief, Bereavement
Autographed copies available from this page only.
5.5 x 8.5
96 pages
ISBN 10: 0-943914-64-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-943914-64-0
Book Details
It’s a blessing when someone can help you feel your own way through what only your heart can process. That blessing is what Paul Bennett somehow manages to pass along with Loving Grief.
When his wife Bonnie died, Paul lost the one person whose presence had been pivotal to every decision he made about the future. He discovered that the intensity of his grief matched the depth of his love and learned how to go where it took him, through the depths of loss and into new life he couldn’t have imagined.
Many people who have lost a loved one will find solace and inspiration in this personal, intimate, exquisitely written gem.
“This is a wonderful book. It broke my heart. It healed my heart. A fine contribution to the shared heart of our grief. Paul has done an outstanding job . . . There is so much love in this work it is not surprising that it increases, then overcomes, gravity.”—Stephen Levine, author of Who Dies?, A Year to Live, Breaking the Drought
"For professionals who support individuals that support those with mental health challenges and those suffering themselves, Loving Grief provides a way to inject optimism in an easily relatable narrative style." "For professionals who support a variety of individuals experiencing a myriad of losses, Loving Grief provides a helpful tool to guide productive conversations. The book is also highly relatable, making it a beneficial instrument for self guided reflection."
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For 35 years as a freelance writer, Paul Bennett was an anonymous voice for movements that shaped American society. His writing drew millions of members and hundreds of millions of dollars into organizations such as EMILY’s List, World Wildlife Fund, Common Cause, and The Wilderness Society and helped elect senators, members of Congress, and governors.
Writing in his own eloquent voice after his wife’s death, Paul reveals the depth of his own experience authentically — and turns a new light on the fundamental nature of grieving.
Book Details
It’s a blessing when someone can help you feel your own way through what only your heart can process. That blessing is what Paul Bennett somehow manages to pass along with Loving Grief.
When his wife Bonnie died, Paul lost the one person whose presence had been pivotal to every decision he made about the future. He discovered that the intensity of his grief matched the depth of his love and learned how to go where it took him, through the depths of loss and into new life he couldn’t have imagined.
Many people who have lost a loved one will find solace and inspiration in this personal, intimate, exquisitely written gem.
“This is a wonderful book. It broke my heart. It healed my heart. A fine contribution to the shared heart of our grief. Paul has done an outstanding job . . . There is so much love in this work it is not surprising that it increases, then overcomes, gravity.”—Stephen Levine, author of Who Dies?, A Year to Live, Breaking the Drought
"For professionals who support individuals that support those with mental health challenges and those suffering themselves, Loving Grief provides a way to inject optimism in an easily relatable narrative style." "For professionals who support a variety of individuals experiencing a myriad of losses, Loving Grief provides a helpful tool to guide productive conversations. The book is also highly relatable, making it a beneficial instrument for self guided reflection."
Please order from this page ONLY for autographed copies. Click on "Add to Cart" above and your order will be entered as for an autographed copy. Note: there is no discount on autographed copies.
For information about the book, reviews, etc., click here to return to the main display page for this title.
About Paul Bennett

For 35 years as a freelance writer, Paul Bennett was an anonymous voice for movements that shaped American society. His writing drew millions of members and hundreds of millions of dollars into organizations such as EMILY’s List, World Wildlife Fund, Common Cause, and The Wilderness Society and helped elect senators, members of Congress, and governors.
Writing in his own eloquent voice after his wife’s death, Paul reveals the depth of his own experience authentically — and turns a new light on the fundamental nature of grieving.