Healing with God's Love
Kabbalah's Hidden Secrets By Douglas Goldhamer with Peggy Bagley

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About this book:
Healing with God's Love
Kabbalah's Hidden Secrets
by Douglas Goldhamer with Peggy Bagley
"Healing with God's Love is a gift — so helpful . . ." —Gary Goldberg, In the Spirit radio
Rabbi Goldhamer shows us how to access the energies that healed him.
Subjects: Spirituality, Healing, Judaism, Wellness
6 x 9, paperback
272 pages
ISBN 10: 1-936012-74-X
ISBN 13: 978-1-936012-74-9
Book Details
"Healing with God's Love is a gift — so helpful, for the spiritual aspirant and practitioner." — Gary Goldberg, In the Spirit radio.
With engaging stories and an entertaining style suitable for all faiths, Rabbi Goldhamer shows us how to access the same energies that healed him of a crippling disease in 1972. He reveres these healing energies and their Source as God’s loving immanence, or Feminine Presence, and takes us step by step through many powerful meditations, intentions, rayers, visualizations, and blessings.
Some he learned from gifted Kabbalistic teachers, others he discovered in the Kabbalah himself and adapts for modern conditions. These powerful techniques help us connect with and draw upon God's love for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical healing: Healing prayers, meditations, intentions, visualizations, and spiritual healing secrets from the deep healing tradition within Kabbalah, developed through the authors' 40+ years of successfully working with them. Also engaging stories, anecdotes, and background philosophy in the mystical Jewish tradition of healing.
All through their enjoyable and accessible presentation, Rabbi Goldhamer and Peggy Bagley establish a profound ethical and spiritual context for this work. They explain and honor its roots in deep mystical Judaism while, at the same time, developing traditional teachings in a universal and global perspective that is relevant for and inspiring to our times.
Healing with God's Love is likely to be informative and useful to people who want to deepen (or make more conscious) their relationships with the Sacred, regardless of background or current beliefs about it. It is particularly helpful for people in need of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual healing, and/or to people who want to help others with such needs.
"Rabbi Goldhamer is an unusually spiritually connected soul,and one of the great Rabbis of our time. He has been healed and has healed others. Healing with God’s Love comes from the wisdom of the ages — and the spirit of now — through him. His teachings are from scholarship, experience, and faith. He has studied and practiced the secrets of the Kabbalah his entire life, and here he gives them to you . . ." —Gary Slutkin, MD, Founder, executive director, Cure Violence (formerly World Health Organization)
"The health and healing of our physical beings is inextricably connected to the strength and energies of our spiritual beings — our deep, personal, intimate, loving relationship with God. Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer — Rebbe Nachman in contemporary garb — gives us this important book of "Practical Theology," containing a multitude of clever and valuable strategies, exercises, visualizations, and meditations that are our sacred pathways to deepen and intensify our holistic nexus between body and soul." —Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Ph.D., author, Living Judaism and The Real Name of God
Click here for a pdf of the Table of Contents
Click here for a PDF pf the Preface and Introduction
Click here for information on Rabbi Goldhamer's first book, This Is for Everyone, with Melinda Stengel.
Chicago Jewish News placed Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer among “Ten Outstanding Jewish Leaders in Chicago” in 2007. He helped found Chicago’s Congregation Bene Shalom, is a professor of Jewish Mysticism and associate professor of Philosophy, co-authored (with Melinda Stengel) This Is for Everyone, and is the co-author (with Peggy Bagley) of Healing with God's Love. He lives in Evanston, Illinois, with his wife, soulmate, and co-author Peggy Bagley.
Book Details
"Healing with God's Love is a gift — so helpful, for the spiritual aspirant and practitioner." — Gary Goldberg, In the Spirit radio.
With engaging stories and an entertaining style suitable for all faiths, Rabbi Goldhamer shows us how to access the same energies that healed him of a crippling disease in 1972. He reveres these healing energies and their Source as God’s loving immanence, or Feminine Presence, and takes us step by step through many powerful meditations, intentions, rayers, visualizations, and blessings.
Some he learned from gifted Kabbalistic teachers, others he discovered in the Kabbalah himself and adapts for modern conditions. These powerful techniques help us connect with and draw upon God's love for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical healing: Healing prayers, meditations, intentions, visualizations, and spiritual healing secrets from the deep healing tradition within Kabbalah, developed through the authors' 40+ years of successfully working with them. Also engaging stories, anecdotes, and background philosophy in the mystical Jewish tradition of healing.
All through their enjoyable and accessible presentation, Rabbi Goldhamer and Peggy Bagley establish a profound ethical and spiritual context for this work. They explain and honor its roots in deep mystical Judaism while, at the same time, developing traditional teachings in a universal and global perspective that is relevant for and inspiring to our times.
Healing with God's Love is likely to be informative and useful to people who want to deepen (or make more conscious) their relationships with the Sacred, regardless of background or current beliefs about it. It is particularly helpful for people in need of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual healing, and/or to people who want to help others with such needs.
"Rabbi Goldhamer is an unusually spiritually connected soul,and one of the great Rabbis of our time. He has been healed and has healed others. Healing with God’s Love comes from the wisdom of the ages — and the spirit of now — through him. His teachings are from scholarship, experience, and faith. He has studied and practiced the secrets of the Kabbalah his entire life, and here he gives them to you . . ." —Gary Slutkin, MD, Founder, executive director, Cure Violence (formerly World Health Organization)
"The health and healing of our physical beings is inextricably connected to the strength and energies of our spiritual beings — our deep, personal, intimate, loving relationship with God. Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer — Rebbe Nachman in contemporary garb — gives us this important book of "Practical Theology," containing a multitude of clever and valuable strategies, exercises, visualizations, and meditations that are our sacred pathways to deepen and intensify our holistic nexus between body and soul." —Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Ph.D., author, Living Judaism and The Real Name of God
Click here for a pdf of the Table of Contents
Click here for a PDF pf the Preface and Introduction
Click here for information on Rabbi Goldhamer's first book, This Is for Everyone, with Melinda Stengel.
About Douglas Goldhamer with Peggy Bagley

Chicago Jewish News placed Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer among “Ten Outstanding Jewish Leaders in Chicago” in 2007. He helped found Chicago’s Congregation Bene Shalom, is a professor of Jewish Mysticism and associate professor of Philosophy, co-authored (with Melinda Stengel) This Is for Everyone, and is the co-author (with Peggy Bagley) of Healing with God's Love. He lives in Evanston, Illinois, with his wife, soulmate, and co-author Peggy Bagley.