Falling Open in a World Falling Apart
The Essential Teaching of Amoda Maa By Amoda Maa
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About this book:
Falling Open in a World Falling Apart
The Essential Teaching of Amoda Maa
by Amoda Maa
“I'm not interested in how spiritual you are. I'm interested in how willing you are to stand as openness in the face of brokenness and loss.” —Amoda Maa
Subjects: Personal Transformation, Spiritual Life, Independent Path, Spirituality
6 x 9, 138 pages
trade paperback
(E-book available through all major suppliers)
ISBN 10: 1-936012-92-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-936012-92-3
Book Details
This book is "an invitation to openness." It offers the jewel of Amoda Maa's teaching—how to be fully awake and fully human, open in a way that's the key to freedom and to what's most needed in our troubled times. Unlike having no boundaries, this openness transforms reactivity, ends separation, leads us to our true authority, and guides us with the intelligence of love.
“As this wise book eloquently reminds us, awakened living involves the boundless embrace of our precious, messy human experience in all its subtlety and complexity—the pain as well as the laughter, the confusion as well as the clarity—without either identifying with it or pushing it away. This unconditional openness is not a practice, it’s our natural state, our inherently awake true nature, the timeless presence that welcomes reality just as it is because it is essentially not separate from whatever arises. Amoda Maa has it right—embodied awakening is the seamless marriage of form and emptiness, human and transcendent, vulnerable and indestructible, which meet right here and now—as you!” —Stephan Bodian, teacher, author of Meditation for Dummies, Wake Up Now, and Beyond Mindfulness
"Such a timely book! Amoda’s clarity of writing makes the universal inner wisdom relevant and accessible to the seeker in these troubled times." —Ondrea Levine, author of The Healing I took Birth For, co-author with Stephen Levine of Embracing the Beloved.
"The invitation to fall open and to embrace what appears to be falling apart has always been a vital part of the lived awakening experience. And now that the world is shaking and—dare I say it—in the process of transformation, there is an urgency to the task at hand. Amoda speaks to this directly, and stirs the heart. Her voice is eloquent and precise—a rich and extraordinarily valuable contribution to the current zeitgeist. I cannot recommend her—and this, her latest book—highly enough." —Miranda Macpherson, spiritual teacher and author of The Way of Grace
"I love that Amoda Maa includes and works with our humanness, rather than attempting to ignore or bypass the messiness and difficulties of everyday life. But she doesn’t get entangled in the mess either. Instead, Amoda invites a falling open into “the groundless ground of unbroken presence,” the openness that allows everything to be as it is. Paradoxically, this is exactly where genuine transformation happens. There is a gentle tenderness in this book. The words come from the heart, from clear seeing, and from the openness that the book invites the reader to discover. Amoda encourages 'listening to the deepest truth in you, listening to that which is prior to narrative and prior to reactivity, listening to the silence within—and then moving from this silence. Or not moving at all.' Falling Open is a beautiful book that I very highly recommend. As Amoda says, 'This book is a transmission. Do not read it. Feel it.' Yes! —Joan Tollifson, author of Death: The End of Self-Improvement and Nothing to Grasp
Falling Open in a World Falling Apart by Amoda Maa is the perfect remedy for our struggle to let go and open up in today’s mass confusion and relationship challenges. Filled with Amoda’s personal and honest shares, mindfulness tools, and examples from her many workshops, this is a bedside companion that we will turn to in the many dark nights ahead. I highly recommend this book for students looking to go deeper into their own Heart. —Ravi Walsh, founder of HeartPath Healing and Coaching, author of The Contemplative Heart.
About Embodied Enlightenment:
“Amoda’s latest book Embodied Enlightenment—for which I’ve had the honor to write the Foreword—is a genuine and helpful guide to secular spirituality, providing deep insight into how it is possible to live authentically in an increasingly chaotic world. I have no doubt this book will touch the hearts of the growing number of people in search of peace and well-being. I have also been personally touched by the depth and clarity of her teachings and her capacity to inspire audiences from a wide range of backgrounds. She is at the forefront of ground-breaking work at the intersection of spirituality and psychology.” —John Welwood, PhD (best-selling author, and pioneer in the field of East-West psychology and spirituality)
“The quality of Amoda Maa Jeevan’s writing is impressive, and I consider her book Embodied Enlightenment to be at the leading-edge of a new spiritual conversation that is of utmost relevance to today’s world." —Matt McKay, PhD (founder of New Harbinger Publications, and clinical psychologist)
"Truly one of the best books of 2017—and we receive a lot of books! Inspiring, powerful and transformational all at once!" —Meghan McDonald, founder and editor of Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
"Embodied Enlightenment eloquently challenges us to honestly and intimately meet our experience just as it is, and to awaken out of the trance of the perpetually seeking separate self. This is a deeply illuminating description of how an awakened life transmutes the ordinary arenas of relationships, work, sex, money, the body, and life purpose. A beautifully written, inspiring, and distinctly feminine call to consciously embody the unfolding edge of evolution. I highly recommend it!" —John J. Prendergast, PhD, author of In Touch, adjunct professor of psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies
"Ancient traditions may not adequately support their awakening in the midst of 'real-world' concerns such as health, finances, relationships, et cetera. Amoda Maa is one of the brightest of a new generation of spiritual seekers who are meeting that need. She has been prepared for this role in a crucible of personal transformation, and is now fulfilling it admirably." —Rick Archer, creator and host of Buddha at the Gas Pump
“The next step after Eckhart Tolle.” —Erwin H, founder of Awareness Now
About Amoda’s teaching, from attendees at live events:
"Amoda is one of the most clear and profound nonduality teachers of our time. Like a very sharp knife she delves into the heart of things."
“Amoda Maa is one of the most important spiritual teachers of our times. Oprah needs to interview her!”
“Amoda’s teaching is so utterly clear and direct, beautifully weaving the masculine advaita with the feminine embodiment—a teaching for these times.”
For more, visit Amoda's website at https://www.amodamaa.com/
“I invite you to reject nothing, welcome everything, and surrender into the deepest falling of the open heart.”
“I'm not interested in how spiritual you are. I'm interested in how willing you are to stand as openness in the face of brokenness and loss.”
The Essence of Openness
Is It OK to Fall Apart?
Living as the Open Hand
Trust on the Spiritual Path
Openness and Boundaries
“What is broken is the doorway to gold. What is shattered is the entrance to inconceivable love. What brings you to your knees is not a punishment but God’s invitation. Your brokenness is holy.”
The Beloved Is Inside Every Experience
The Power of Tenderness
Your Brokenness Is Holy
The End of Seeking
“My invitation is revolutionary. It takes you to the razor’s edge of mind and heart. Right here, if you are ruthlessly honest in staying open, you will die as the ‘you’ you think you are and be reborn into awakeness. And even if you are alive as this awakeness for one moment, the revolution has begun.
“It is the end of the war of inner conflict. And the beginning of silence as the true song of your life.”
Cleaning Up Your Environment
Transforming Reactivity
Putting Down All Weapons of War
The Existential Abyss
Seeing the Mechanism of Separation
When Feelings Stop Being the Enemy
“Love is a force that moves in us as natural intelligence, the kind of intelligence that takes care of the whole not just the individual parts. It takes care of the whole body, the whole human being, the whole society, the whole nation, the whole world.”
Love Calls You All the Way Home
Deeper than Mind
Purity of the Heart
Right Relationship
“The whole purpose of my teaching is to ignite your own inner authority, to help see where you give yourself away, to show how your own need for love or recognition or acceptance is keeping you small.
And to invite you to stand as openness in the face of all the world throws at you.”
The Marriage of Illuminated Mind and Heart
An Inner Revolution
The Portal of Presence
The Art of Listening
“Be wild, be wide, be open. Feel everything, deny nothing. Expose your true self to yourself. Be daring enough to be all of you. Both human and divine. Both Zorba the Greek and Buddha the Enlightened.”
Living in the Paradox
Becoming a Master of Life
Light of the World
The End of Spirituality
A word for this very moment
Click here for a PDF of the introduction to Falling Open in a World Falling Apart
Click here for a PDF excerpt from Chapter One of Falling Open in a World Falling Apart.
Electronic versions of this book are available from all major (Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple, Kobo, etc.) and most smaller ebook vendors.
Please don't try to order ebooks directly from us, as we are not yet able to deliver anything to you in a preferred electronic format.
Amoda Maa is a spiritual teacher, a warrior of the heart, sharing a fresh approach to the age-old search for spiritual freedom. Her essential teaching features a timeless truth that is highly relevant to this moment—for contemporary seekers willing to go to the raw edge where spirituality meets humanity.
Since 2012 Amoda has been offering meetings and retreats to support and deepen the living of an awakened life. She has been a speaker or guest teacher at a variety of conferences, featured in several magazines, interviewed for numerous broadcasts and podcasts, and has written four books with translations into five languages. Her teachings do not belong to any tradition or lineage and are accessible to all. She brings to them a deep understanding of the human journey, born out of her own direct experience.
Amoda lives with her beloved Kavi in New Mexico, and inspires a growing following worldwide.
More info about Amoda Maa and her teaching at www.amodamaa.com.
Her videos are available at www.YouTube.com/AmodaMaaJeevan
Book Details
This book is "an invitation to openness." It offers the jewel of Amoda Maa's teaching—how to be fully awake and fully human, open in a way that's the key to freedom and to what's most needed in our troubled times. Unlike having no boundaries, this openness transforms reactivity, ends separation, leads us to our true authority, and guides us with the intelligence of love.
“As this wise book eloquently reminds us, awakened living involves the boundless embrace of our precious, messy human experience in all its subtlety and complexity—the pain as well as the laughter, the confusion as well as the clarity—without either identifying with it or pushing it away. This unconditional openness is not a practice, it’s our natural state, our inherently awake true nature, the timeless presence that welcomes reality just as it is because it is essentially not separate from whatever arises. Amoda Maa has it right—embodied awakening is the seamless marriage of form and emptiness, human and transcendent, vulnerable and indestructible, which meet right here and now—as you!” —Stephan Bodian, teacher, author of Meditation for Dummies, Wake Up Now, and Beyond Mindfulness
"Such a timely book! Amoda’s clarity of writing makes the universal inner wisdom relevant and accessible to the seeker in these troubled times." —Ondrea Levine, author of The Healing I took Birth For, co-author with Stephen Levine of Embracing the Beloved.
"The invitation to fall open and to embrace what appears to be falling apart has always been a vital part of the lived awakening experience. And now that the world is shaking and—dare I say it—in the process of transformation, there is an urgency to the task at hand. Amoda speaks to this directly, and stirs the heart. Her voice is eloquent and precise—a rich and extraordinarily valuable contribution to the current zeitgeist. I cannot recommend her—and this, her latest book—highly enough." —Miranda Macpherson, spiritual teacher and author of The Way of Grace
"I love that Amoda Maa includes and works with our humanness, rather than attempting to ignore or bypass the messiness and difficulties of everyday life. But she doesn’t get entangled in the mess either. Instead, Amoda invites a falling open into “the groundless ground of unbroken presence,” the openness that allows everything to be as it is. Paradoxically, this is exactly where genuine transformation happens. There is a gentle tenderness in this book. The words come from the heart, from clear seeing, and from the openness that the book invites the reader to discover. Amoda encourages 'listening to the deepest truth in you, listening to that which is prior to narrative and prior to reactivity, listening to the silence within—and then moving from this silence. Or not moving at all.' Falling Open is a beautiful book that I very highly recommend. As Amoda says, 'This book is a transmission. Do not read it. Feel it.' Yes! —Joan Tollifson, author of Death: The End of Self-Improvement and Nothing to Grasp
Falling Open in a World Falling Apart by Amoda Maa is the perfect remedy for our struggle to let go and open up in today’s mass confusion and relationship challenges. Filled with Amoda’s personal and honest shares, mindfulness tools, and examples from her many workshops, this is a bedside companion that we will turn to in the many dark nights ahead. I highly recommend this book for students looking to go deeper into their own Heart. —Ravi Walsh, founder of HeartPath Healing and Coaching, author of The Contemplative Heart.
About Embodied Enlightenment:
“Amoda’s latest book Embodied Enlightenment—for which I’ve had the honor to write the Foreword—is a genuine and helpful guide to secular spirituality, providing deep insight into how it is possible to live authentically in an increasingly chaotic world. I have no doubt this book will touch the hearts of the growing number of people in search of peace and well-being. I have also been personally touched by the depth and clarity of her teachings and her capacity to inspire audiences from a wide range of backgrounds. She is at the forefront of ground-breaking work at the intersection of spirituality and psychology.” —John Welwood, PhD (best-selling author, and pioneer in the field of East-West psychology and spirituality)
“The quality of Amoda Maa Jeevan’s writing is impressive, and I consider her book Embodied Enlightenment to be at the leading-edge of a new spiritual conversation that is of utmost relevance to today’s world." —Matt McKay, PhD (founder of New Harbinger Publications, and clinical psychologist)
"Truly one of the best books of 2017—and we receive a lot of books! Inspiring, powerful and transformational all at once!" —Meghan McDonald, founder and editor of Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
"Embodied Enlightenment eloquently challenges us to honestly and intimately meet our experience just as it is, and to awaken out of the trance of the perpetually seeking separate self. This is a deeply illuminating description of how an awakened life transmutes the ordinary arenas of relationships, work, sex, money, the body, and life purpose. A beautifully written, inspiring, and distinctly feminine call to consciously embody the unfolding edge of evolution. I highly recommend it!" —John J. Prendergast, PhD, author of In Touch, adjunct professor of psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies
"Ancient traditions may not adequately support their awakening in the midst of 'real-world' concerns such as health, finances, relationships, et cetera. Amoda Maa is one of the brightest of a new generation of spiritual seekers who are meeting that need. She has been prepared for this role in a crucible of personal transformation, and is now fulfilling it admirably." —Rick Archer, creator and host of Buddha at the Gas Pump
“The next step after Eckhart Tolle.” —Erwin H, founder of Awareness Now
About Amoda’s teaching, from attendees at live events:
"Amoda is one of the most clear and profound nonduality teachers of our time. Like a very sharp knife she delves into the heart of things."
“Amoda Maa is one of the most important spiritual teachers of our times. Oprah needs to interview her!”
“Amoda’s teaching is so utterly clear and direct, beautifully weaving the masculine advaita with the feminine embodiment—a teaching for these times.”
For more, visit Amoda's website at https://www.amodamaa.com/
“I invite you to reject nothing, welcome everything, and surrender into the deepest falling of the open heart.”
“I'm not interested in how spiritual you are. I'm interested in how willing you are to stand as openness in the face of brokenness and loss.”
The Essence of Openness
Is It OK to Fall Apart?
Living as the Open Hand
Trust on the Spiritual Path
Openness and Boundaries
“What is broken is the doorway to gold. What is shattered is the entrance to inconceivable love. What brings you to your knees is not a punishment but God’s invitation. Your brokenness is holy.”
The Beloved Is Inside Every Experience
The Power of Tenderness
Your Brokenness Is Holy
The End of Seeking
“My invitation is revolutionary. It takes you to the razor’s edge of mind and heart. Right here, if you are ruthlessly honest in staying open, you will die as the ‘you’ you think you are and be reborn into awakeness. And even if you are alive as this awakeness for one moment, the revolution has begun.
“It is the end of the war of inner conflict. And the beginning of silence as the true song of your life.”
Cleaning Up Your Environment
Transforming Reactivity
Putting Down All Weapons of War
The Existential Abyss
Seeing the Mechanism of Separation
When Feelings Stop Being the Enemy
“Love is a force that moves in us as natural intelligence, the kind of intelligence that takes care of the whole not just the individual parts. It takes care of the whole body, the whole human being, the whole society, the whole nation, the whole world.”
Love Calls You All the Way Home
Deeper than Mind
Purity of the Heart
Right Relationship
“The whole purpose of my teaching is to ignite your own inner authority, to help see where you give yourself away, to show how your own need for love or recognition or acceptance is keeping you small.
And to invite you to stand as openness in the face of all the world throws at you.”
The Marriage of Illuminated Mind and Heart
An Inner Revolution
The Portal of Presence
The Art of Listening
“Be wild, be wide, be open. Feel everything, deny nothing. Expose your true self to yourself. Be daring enough to be all of you. Both human and divine. Both Zorba the Greek and Buddha the Enlightened.”
Living in the Paradox
Becoming a Master of Life
Light of the World
The End of Spirituality
A word for this very moment
Click here for a PDF of the introduction to Falling Open in a World Falling Apart
Click here for a PDF excerpt from Chapter One of Falling Open in a World Falling Apart.
Electronic versions of this book are available from all major (Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple, Kobo, etc.) and most smaller ebook vendors.
Please don't try to order ebooks directly from us, as we are not yet able to deliver anything to you in a preferred electronic format.
About Amoda Maa
![Larson Publications photo of author Amoda Maa](/assets/photos/author/AmodaGoodPhoto_fromOutlook_3x4_300 (1).jpg)
Amoda Maa is a spiritual teacher, a warrior of the heart, sharing a fresh approach to the age-old search for spiritual freedom. Her essential teaching features a timeless truth that is highly relevant to this moment—for contemporary seekers willing to go to the raw edge where spirituality meets humanity.
Since 2012 Amoda has been offering meetings and retreats to support and deepen the living of an awakened life. She has been a speaker or guest teacher at a variety of conferences, featured in several magazines, interviewed for numerous broadcasts and podcasts, and has written four books with translations into five languages. Her teachings do not belong to any tradition or lineage and are accessible to all. She brings to them a deep understanding of the human journey, born out of her own direct experience.
Amoda lives with her beloved Kavi in New Mexico, and inspires a growing following worldwide.
More info about Amoda Maa and her teaching at www.amodamaa.com.
Her videos are available at www.YouTube.com/AmodaMaaJeevan