An Open Life
Joseph Campbell in conversation with Michael Toms By Joseph Campbell with Michael Toms

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About this book:
An Open Life
Joseph Campbell in conversation with Michael Toms
by Joseph Campbell with Michael Toms
This joyous exchange of ideas shows both Campbell and Toms at their best—Campbell the elder, distilling mature wisdom for an intimate young friend who is a leading new-paradigm spokesman in his own right . . .
Subjects: Mythology, Spirituality
John M. Maher and Dennie Briggs, eds.
5.5 x 8.5, paperback
144 pages
ISBN 10: 0-943914-47-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-943914-47-3
Book Details
At once enlightening and inspirational, a joyous exchange of ideas between friends and mutual admirers . . .
These skillfully compiled highlights from nine New Dimensions radio broadcasts show both Campbell and Toms at their best — Campbell the elder, distilling mature wisdom for an intimate young friend who is a leading new-paradigm spokesman in his own right. They discuss:
• the Call
• the vision quest
• the Christ power
• alchemy
• functions of the arts
• East-West exchanges
• gurus
• education
• God within
• the Savior hero
• I-Thou relationships
• myths, symbols
• religion
• global consciousness
• salvation
• women's changing status
• marriage
• sources of Campbell's inspiration
• and much more . . .
"To a degree I would hardly have thought possible, An Open Life brought back the sense of the man himself, with all his exuberance, warmth, and (com)passion. How good it is to have this added incarnation." —Huston Smith, author of Religions of Man
"The Campbell-Moyers interviews, The Power of Myth, became a New York Times bestseller, and the Campbell-Toms interviews, recently collected into An Open Life, deserve an equally wide readership." —East West Journal
"An Open Life is easy (and enjoyable) to read, and can be regarded as either an excellent introduction to the great mythologist's ideas, or a brief and stimulating overview of his perspective on spirituality." —Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
"It is one of those books that touch deeply, as Campbell claims that an effective myth should." —Shaman's Drum
"New Dimensions generates an atmosphere of ease and honesty which brings out from deep inside all the best that one has. Contrasted with other media, New Dimensions is far and away superior. Because of the warm, authentic environment created for a living conversation, one has the feeling that the unseen participants — out beyond the microphone — are also at ease and are an integral part of the play. . . . Bill Moyers and Michael Toms are alike: two of the most creative interviewers it has been my good fortune to work with." —Joseph Campbell
An Open Life is available from Larson Publications only to individuals and private groups. English-language trade accounts please contact Harper & Row. For foreign rights, contact Larson Publications.
Bio coming soon.
Book Details
At once enlightening and inspirational, a joyous exchange of ideas between friends and mutual admirers . . .
These skillfully compiled highlights from nine New Dimensions radio broadcasts show both Campbell and Toms at their best — Campbell the elder, distilling mature wisdom for an intimate young friend who is a leading new-paradigm spokesman in his own right. They discuss:
• the Call
• the vision quest
• the Christ power
• alchemy
• functions of the arts
• East-West exchanges
• gurus
• education
• God within
• the Savior hero
• I-Thou relationships
• myths, symbols
• religion
• global consciousness
• salvation
• women's changing status
• marriage
• sources of Campbell's inspiration
• and much more . . .
"To a degree I would hardly have thought possible, An Open Life brought back the sense of the man himself, with all his exuberance, warmth, and (com)passion. How good it is to have this added incarnation." —Huston Smith, author of Religions of Man
"The Campbell-Moyers interviews, The Power of Myth, became a New York Times bestseller, and the Campbell-Toms interviews, recently collected into An Open Life, deserve an equally wide readership." —East West Journal
"An Open Life is easy (and enjoyable) to read, and can be regarded as either an excellent introduction to the great mythologist's ideas, or a brief and stimulating overview of his perspective on spirituality." —Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
"It is one of those books that touch deeply, as Campbell claims that an effective myth should." —Shaman's Drum
"New Dimensions generates an atmosphere of ease and honesty which brings out from deep inside all the best that one has. Contrasted with other media, New Dimensions is far and away superior. Because of the warm, authentic environment created for a living conversation, one has the feeling that the unseen participants — out beyond the microphone — are also at ease and are an integral part of the play. . . . Bill Moyers and Michael Toms are alike: two of the most creative interviewers it has been my good fortune to work with." —Joseph Campbell
An Open Life is available from Larson Publications only to individuals and private groups. English-language trade accounts please contact Harper & Row. For foreign rights, contact Larson Publications.
About Joseph Campbell with Michael Toms
Bio coming soon.