Love is the Link
A Hospice Doctor Shares Her Experience of Near-Death and Dying By Pamela Kircher, M.D.

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About this book:
Love is the Link
A Hospice Doctor Shares Her Experience of Near-Death and Dying
by Pamela Kircher, M.D.
"An extraordinary book." —Larry Dossey, M.D.
Subjects: Spirituality, Near Death
5.5 x 8.5 inches
144 pages
ISBN 10: 0-943914-76-0
ISBN 13: 978-0-943914-76-3
Book Details
"Read the book, hear the voice, and change your life." —Bernie Siegel, M.D.
A seasoned hospice physician and near-death experiencer shares moving, immensely helpful stories of moments when the veil between worlds disappears . . .
Pamela Kircher, M.D., is a near-death experiencer and has worked for many years with dying people and their families. In this moving book, she shares vivid, enormously helpful stories—some her own, many from other people—of moments when the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is lifted.
She discusses:
- How near death experiences of survivors compare with those of the terminally ill
- Lasting positive effects and adjustment problems following on near-death experiences
- What caregivers should know about what dying people can see and hear
- Differences between hospital and hospice care for the dying
- The central message of near death experience
- and much more
"I have had the experience and heard the voice so I know the message of this book. If this is not your life story, then read the book, hear the voice, and change your life." —Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles
"Love is the Link is an extraordinary book, written by a physician who has undergone her own near-death experience. Dr. Pamela Kircher writes with deep insight and compassion. This book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of both life and death, and will bring great comfort to anyone who reads it." —Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words and Recovering the Soul
"Stories of near-death and dying episodes collectively have come to constitute a wisdom teaching for the modern world. Pamela Kircher . . . has done a masterful job in this book of distilling the essence of this teaching and showing how each of us can learn from it. Love is the Link is an extremely valuable contribution to the death and dying literature, and I recommend it unreservedly to everyone — but especially to Dr. Kircher's fellow and sister physicians." —Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., author of Life at Death and Heading Toward Omega
Bio coming soon.
Book Details
"Read the book, hear the voice, and change your life." —Bernie Siegel, M.D.
A seasoned hospice physician and near-death experiencer shares moving, immensely helpful stories of moments when the veil between worlds disappears . . .
Pamela Kircher, M.D., is a near-death experiencer and has worked for many years with dying people and their families. In this moving book, she shares vivid, enormously helpful stories—some her own, many from other people—of moments when the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is lifted.
She discusses:
- How near death experiences of survivors compare with those of the terminally ill
- Lasting positive effects and adjustment problems following on near-death experiences
- What caregivers should know about what dying people can see and hear
- Differences between hospital and hospice care for the dying
- The central message of near death experience
- and much more
"I have had the experience and heard the voice so I know the message of this book. If this is not your life story, then read the book, hear the voice, and change your life." —Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles
"Love is the Link is an extraordinary book, written by a physician who has undergone her own near-death experience. Dr. Pamela Kircher writes with deep insight and compassion. This book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of both life and death, and will bring great comfort to anyone who reads it." —Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words and Recovering the Soul
"Stories of near-death and dying episodes collectively have come to constitute a wisdom teaching for the modern world. Pamela Kircher . . . has done a masterful job in this book of distilling the essence of this teaching and showing how each of us can learn from it. Love is the Link is an extremely valuable contribution to the death and dying literature, and I recommend it unreservedly to everyone — but especially to Dr. Kircher's fellow and sister physicians." —Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., author of Life at Death and Heading Toward Omega
About Pamela Kircher, M.D.
Bio coming soon.