Molly O'Brien and the
Mark of the Dragon Slayer
By Kathleen Damiani

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About this book:
Molly O'Brien and the
Mark of the Dragon Slayer
by Kathleen Damiani
Young Molly O'Brien just can't take it anymore and is about to do something reckless, when a strange creature suddenly answers her soul's urgent call for help. Together they enter the realm between the worlds and prepare Molly for her true destiny—
Subjects: Fantasy/Fiction, Girls, Mythology, YA Fiction 12 and up
6 x 9
272 pages
ISBN 10: 1-936012-55-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-936012-55-8
Book Details
“Beyond the world we know is another realm. Kathleen Damiani unfolds the mysterious wisdom of Sophia with joyful exploration.”
—Caitlín Matthews, author of Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom
Molly O’Brien is a new kind of young heroine—who learns the power of Woman to disrupt the sinister momentum of dark energies and nurture ones that serve what’s precious in life. We first meet her briefly at age eight, when she “just can’t take it anymore” and is about to do something perilous. An inexplicable encounter with a strange creature in a tree changes her perspective, leaving a fresh “mark of the dragon slayer” on her wounded thigh that destines her for high adventure (and at least five more books).
The story resumes when Molly is fourteen, shortly before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sophia, the strange and beautiful “woman” with a long tail and hooved feet reappears after a long absence, eager for Molly to join her on a dangerous mission in the realm between the worlds—where the circumstances of earth life as we know it are formed. Together they embark on a series of adventures designed to prepare Molly for her true destiny—battling the Great Dragon that encircles our planet as the crystallized thought-forms of humanity’s past, now controlled by the demon Ialdaboath.
Their first battle with Ialdaboath is successful, easing the tension of the Missile Crisis enough for Kennedy and Krushchev to make a deal. Molly’s middle-realm initiations continue from there in a variety of adventures—ranging from a romantic interest in a powerful sage's disciplined assistant, to uplifting visions in the Women’s Temple and the Hall of Philosophy, to a life-and-death struggle with Mephistopheles who tricks Molly into a drop of blood “signature” in his Book of Magic . . . and long periods of exile back to earth.
Molly is a healthy, inquisitive young woman who ultimately learns to navigate and balance her magical and mundane realities, and find the core strength her destiny requires. Various beings from biblical, alchemical, and esoteric tradition, as well as allegorical fiction figure into her training. Sophia emerges under a variety of names as the deep feminine nature that can guide women (and men willing to learn) to their own soul powers and the wisdom of how to engage them in service to life’s higher possibilities.
Click here for a PDF of the table of
contents from Molly O\'Brien and the
Mark of the Dragon Slayer.
Kathleen Damiani, PhD, has been researching, writing, and speaking about Sophia since 1985. She completed interdisciplinary graduate programs at Old Dominion University and Union Institute & University, earning her doctorate in 1998. She is also a longtime student of Anthony Damiani and Paul Brunton. Her talks and writings on Sophia may be found at her Web site:
Book Details
“Beyond the world we know is another realm. Kathleen Damiani unfolds the mysterious wisdom of Sophia with joyful exploration.”
—Caitlín Matthews, author of Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom
Molly O’Brien is a new kind of young heroine—who learns the power of Woman to disrupt the sinister momentum of dark energies and nurture ones that serve what’s precious in life. We first meet her briefly at age eight, when she “just can’t take it anymore” and is about to do something perilous. An inexplicable encounter with a strange creature in a tree changes her perspective, leaving a fresh “mark of the dragon slayer” on her wounded thigh that destines her for high adventure (and at least five more books).
The story resumes when Molly is fourteen, shortly before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sophia, the strange and beautiful “woman” with a long tail and hooved feet reappears after a long absence, eager for Molly to join her on a dangerous mission in the realm between the worlds—where the circumstances of earth life as we know it are formed. Together they embark on a series of adventures designed to prepare Molly for her true destiny—battling the Great Dragon that encircles our planet as the crystallized thought-forms of humanity’s past, now controlled by the demon Ialdaboath.
Their first battle with Ialdaboath is successful, easing the tension of the Missile Crisis enough for Kennedy and Krushchev to make a deal. Molly’s middle-realm initiations continue from there in a variety of adventures—ranging from a romantic interest in a powerful sage's disciplined assistant, to uplifting visions in the Women’s Temple and the Hall of Philosophy, to a life-and-death struggle with Mephistopheles who tricks Molly into a drop of blood “signature” in his Book of Magic . . . and long periods of exile back to earth.
Molly is a healthy, inquisitive young woman who ultimately learns to navigate and balance her magical and mundane realities, and find the core strength her destiny requires. Various beings from biblical, alchemical, and esoteric tradition, as well as allegorical fiction figure into her training. Sophia emerges under a variety of names as the deep feminine nature that can guide women (and men willing to learn) to their own soul powers and the wisdom of how to engage them in service to life’s higher possibilities.
Click here for a PDF of the table of
contents from Molly O\'Brien and the
Mark of the Dragon Slayer.
About Kathleen Damiani

Kathleen Damiani, PhD, has been researching, writing, and speaking about Sophia since 1985. She completed interdisciplinary graduate programs at Old Dominion University and Union Institute & University, earning her doctorate in 1998. She is also a longtime student of Anthony Damiani and Paul Brunton. Her talks and writings on Sophia may be found at her Web site: